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Friday 13 October 2017

Best Herbal Treatment For Weak Erection Problem In Men That Is Effective

These days even young men complain of loss of size and control over erection. Sometimes, the erection gets too weak to raise concerns. Most young men want to know how to last longer in bed but with weak erection may worry about being impotent at a young age and this can be a terrifying thought. Endocrine is a sensitive function in the human body and overburden on endocrine from environmental factors e.g. exposure to harsh environment estrogens (Xeno estrogens) or stress can cause imbalance.

The loss of male organ size also indicates problems in pituitary where the organ and the endocrines fail to produce testosterone and sperm, and this can cause shrinkage in the tissues. This condition is also linked to reduce conjugal interaction frequency and declining testosterone levels, which can be prevented by using massage based cures. The best herbal remedy for poor erection involves the combination of adrenaline precursor and massage of the male reproductive organ to enhance blood circulation to the interior tiny nerves.

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Examination in this regard is based on the level of T, DHEA, FSH, LH and also estrogen, as all these chemicals are indirectly related to the flow of energy in the male body. Overweight men suffering from cardiovascular problem or high cholesterol can suffer from poor blood flow to the organ leading to loss of size and shape. Obesity causes various other conjugal problems linked to it because the blood flow to organ becomes difficult with excess fat depositions and cholesterol in the blood. Smoking is another big hindrance to normal blood circulation in human body as smoking can dry up the tissues and blood carrying vessels, and also reduce its elasticity and moisture content. Smoking and exposure to harsh chemicals as well as radiation can cause shrinkage of tissues leading to loss of structure.

Bluze capsules and Mast Mood oil together provide the best herbal remedy for erectile dysfunction because of the presence of herbs such as Myristica Fragrans, Withania Somnifera, Orchis Mascula, Mucuna Pruriens, Pedalium Murex and the herbal extract Asphaltum Puniabiunum in proper ratio, which enhances overall strength, repairs damaged internal tissues, gets rid of blockage of blood vessels caused by cholesterol depositions, promotes the flow of endocrines and restores balance of the flow to enhance mood and physical performance.

Ayurveda widely mentions the use of Orchis Mascula for curing male reproductive organ disorders as the herb can improve libido and erection function and hence, is included in the best herbal treatment for weak erection. It increases release of nitric oxide by more than 160 percent and this was tested in laboratory. Further, the study on male rats found its intake (200 mg per kg) for 28 days was able to increase basal testosterone concentration. It was also able to increase attraction of male rats to females and mount latency. This herb is almost similar to Safed Musli, in enhancing erection power in male rats. It was able to increase fertility and sperm count by more than 28 percent, when the herb extract of 100 mg per kg was taken by male rats for at least 14 days.

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