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Tuesday 29 November 2016

Natural Ways To Improve Prostate Health And Treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The prevalence of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) in men in the age from 50 to 75 is 19 percent, and the risk of prevalence increases in men with age. Its prevalence is around 8 percent in men aged 30 to 40 years, and 50 percent in men in age from 50 to 60 plus it further increases with age. The problem starts with age related changes in the peri-urethral glands as the fibro muscular structure undergoes progressive growth, which narrows the urine outflow and later obstructs the flow, which increases pressure and causes bladder distention. Since this is age related medical disorder, patients in age 50 and above, cannot opt for invasive procedures to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and many such popular therapies for BPH fail to provide relief from lower urinary tract symptoms e.g. incomplete emptying, urgency, sensation of incomplete emptying, overflow incontinence, urinary retention and congestion interfering with renal functions.

Natural Prostate Supplements For Enlarged Prostate
Ayurveda offers ways to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia by suggesting ways to regulate eating habits to prevent vata dosha where a person is advised to take food which is not dry (e.g. chips, sticks, frozen foods etc.), bitter, cold and astringent in taste. Fruits rich in vitamin C should be taken and the amount of food intake in one time should be reduced. Dairy products such as milk can be taken but it should not be cold and should not be taken after having a heavy meal. Include food rich in fiber, also should be easy to digest. Natural ways to improve prostate health Prostocure capsules contain herbs such as Gokshura extract (or Tribulus terrestris), Putikaranja, Puga, Shatavari extract, Varuna extract etc.

Tribulus terrestris has been tested in laboratory and shows the property as potent libido enhancer. This herbal energy supplement for men can enhance androgen receptor density, increase erectile function power and conjugal happiness. It is cardio protective which can protect other organs such as liver and kidneys from aging related damages - at a very low dose. This herb offers natural ways to improve prostate health as it works as anti-stress testosterone enhancer. It was tested for antioxidant properties on liver where its regulated intake was more effective than vitamin E in preventing oxidative changes caused by mineral toxicity in liver. It is effective in preventing cellular damage and can even improve the flow of liver enzymes. It has been found to be effective in preventing kidney stone formation.

The study on rats with 3 gram of the fruit extract showed the urinary output enhanced by 200 ml daily when the subject was supplemented with the herb for 3 days. The herb was investigated for BPN where its intake for 12 weeks was able to reduce symptoms of BPH noticeably. In testicles, it could attenuate cadmium toxicity with 5 mg per kg of the herb extract. Natural ways to improve prostate health recommend another herbs e.g. Caesalpinia Bonducella as found in, natural prostate supplements, Prostocure capsules, which is effective in inhibiting prostatic stromal proliferation. It is diuretic and works as antiseptic. Tribulus cures genitourinary symptoms, reduces pain and can treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Asparagus racemosus is another diuretic in the cure which can prevent nephropathy.

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